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Parks & Recreation 10.3.11 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of October 3, 2011
Room B104, NR High School at 6:00pm

Committee Members: Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM), Sergio Coviello (SC), Patricia Fillmore (PF)
Staff:  Maureen Stevens (MS), Sheila Sturdevant (SS), Marty Tilton (MT), Lynne Clemens (LC)
Absent: Mike Fitzpatrick (MF), Pierre Ancri (PA)
Call to order: 7:03pm; Quorum, called by Billie Luker
Audience of Citizens:  NONE

Acceptance of Minutes: NONE

New Business
•       Banners at Skate Park(MS)
A mom brought an idea was brought to Maureen’s attention to have banner advertising at the skate park to raise funds for the maintenance and upkeep. The mom is willing to approach skateboarding/bicycle companies as sponsors. Some committee members like the idea. Rita wants to bring the idea to LUC. Table idea until next the meeting.

Old Business
•       Parks Director Updates (MT)
o       Skate Park at IRP:  Skate Park should be completed by this weekend.  Received $3500 quote from Charlie Watson to complete project.  Page 2  

o       Camera’s at IRP: Met with a company and went over options.  Wireless camera’s can not be used, they said we would need to do hardwire.  The company is going to put together a proposal for us to review.  Maureen suggested putting a shout out to the MRPA for ideas.  Marty is going to contact Rich Giannattasio to get feedback on the camera’s at little league field.

o       Lawn Mower: the Lawn Mower will be on the Town Meeting warrant articles.  Marty and Maureen has a presentation ready.

•       Recreation Director Updates (LC)
Fall programs: We are into the middle of fall registration.  The numbers are low right now.  The one day events are doing well. Tennis instructor let Lynne know that he works at an indoor tennis facility and they said they would be interested in renting us courts during the winter to run programs. Lynne will research. The committee asked what percentage does Lynne think the numbers are down by and she answered by 1/3. Lynne and Maria cleaned the recreation center in detail.  There were a lot of ants they have been dealing with.  Marty set out traps.  Also recently discovered a dead Squirrel that Marty graciously disposed of and scrub the basement with bleach.

Page 2
•       Operations Director Updates (MS)
o       Financials: We are still working on the fiscal year financials.  We will have them for the next meeting.  Billie asked if we charge Softball for summer programs.  Maureen said we do.
o       Update equipment: We just install a new color printer at the office.   We installed a printer at the recreation center as well

•       LUC Updates (RM)
o       Meditation Garden at IRP: Youth services started the meditation garden project LUC members are going to go down and help out to finish it up  Youth Services did a great job.   Con Com said we could put a pee stone path in.
o       Pavilion: LUC wanted Rita to pass on to Marty what a fabulous job he did on the pavilion.
o       Audubon Society: LUC signed a contract with Audubon Society regarding the Eisenhauer park property and to see how they would label the property.
o       Wine & Food/Community Center: Rita would like to speak with LUC to ask if the proceeds from future Wine and Food events could be earmarked toward a Community Center. Sheila suggested putting up a banner asking for public views on a community center.

•       FONRPRC, Inc Updates-(SS)
o       Walk of Fame: The Bricks on the walk of fame are filled with the polymer sand.  They need to be cleaned up.  They are not legible.  I will contact Bill Gardocki.  

Other Business

•       Next Meeting date (SS)
October 17th, Monday at 7pm in room 5 of Town Hall

•       Agenda Items for next meeting (SS)
Camera’s at IRP
Skate Park
Banners at Skate Park

(RM) Rita Mullin made a motion to adjourn meeting at 7:05 pm.
(SC) Sergio Coviello seconds the motion.
        Approved:  4            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
No Discussion-Motion Passed